Sunday, May 23, 2010

Last Night's Performances

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

Mary had a Little Lamb...or atleast an atempt.


brookeisacrazylady said...

those might be cutest kids i have ever seen. man that emmajane is beautiful

Nancy Jo said...

They were great! So fun to see! Such cuties!

Brandon Walter Evans said...

man, if someone were to offer that video to me for money, i think they could have gotten a pretty penny for it. thanks so much! that was wonderful/awesome. so cute. it is crazy how blonde ole Emma jane is. in that song she reminded me how brazilians thought the irl sound in world and girl was the most hardest thing to pronounce in the world, that along with the thhhh sound. loved it. also love that majorie hinckley quote about station wagons and dirt under nails and tears. i tell you what we have some real winners in the church, glad i am in the group (of church members).

ajensen said...

i lOVE EJ's laugh at the end. OH man!!!

Lindsey said...

The cutest videos EVER!! So sweet. Can't wait to show the girls!! xoxo

Brandon Walter Evans said...

your kids are so awesome, maybe it is better ya'll are getting away, i'm like, EJ might be too good for the southern boys, might need to go to the homeland for her to get her a real winner.

chadnsyd said...

I sat here and watched these with Mia, and she totally giggled...she loves her cousins already!

- Chad

AJordan said...

cuties. i can't believe how old they are! Is girl's camp done yet? I can't wait to show the boys in the morning.