On our way to meet BOB THE BUILDER!

Oh, how the kids love Chick-fil-A

CJ was the most excited--especially when he got his hard hat!

Can you tell by the kids expressions that it was a little hot outside?

But, we were still excited to see Bob & were singing "Can we build it....Yes we can!" (Bob's theme song) But, CJ kept singing "Yes we can" over and over and over and over...

Then, we found the Chick-fil-A cow inside and CJ could not give this cow enough hugs!

Kid (and Dad) Heaven! I'll admit Carl went in there and tried to honk the horn.

While we were there, CJ was the Safari driver!

Where did CJ go? The hat was a little big, wouldn't you say?
And, it can't be a party without a Blow-up Slide, right?
...Later, I was putting the kids to bed. I tucked CJ in and was giving him a kiss goodnight, when he took my face in his hands, and starts whispering "I got to see Bob the Builder at the Science Center today. I love Bob the Builder. I love Bob the Builder." It was just to die for! He was just thinking of what an awesome day he had and was still so happy from it. Truly Priceless!
One of the funniest moments was when Bob the Builder came out on stage and lost his hat. The head was cut off at the top and all the kids stared in shock at this headless faker. Bob couldn't do anything about it so he was escorted off stage and they had to restart the show. That was a fun day!
That is soo cute!! The kids got to do so much! What fun parents. Can't wait to see you.
DON'T LEAVE! That first picture is absolutely ADORABLE. I'm going to miss you guys!
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