Thursday, January 6, 2011

CJ's New Career Goals

So, last night, CJ was a little funny before I put him to bed. I was cleaning up their room, and he found this goose finger puppet. He put it on his finger, & in his best "duck voice" as he calls it said, "I'm a paleontologist." Really, a PALEONTOLOGIST. First, I had to use spell check to even get that word spelled right! And, second, where did my 2 year old learn that word?!? Then, I realized that after "Dinosaur Train", his favorite show, the paleontologist comes on to review the stuff they learned that day. I made him do it again tonight, so Carl (and You) could hear it:


rozanny said...

That is great, Courtney!

Michelle said...

SO Funny!!!

Lindsey said...

That is so funny Courtney! Wow, he is a smartie!!So cute

brookeisacrazylady said...

ahhh that kid is dang cute. he just makes me laugh. who says that? maybe its good we don't live by each other so your kids don't make mine look like slugs (but i have cute slugs for sure)

bro said...

Cute like the stories and voice

Kira =] said...

We love Dinosaur Train, too! He is so stinkin' adorable!!

Nancy Jo said...

I am impressed CJ can say that palento.... word. I just learned how to say it & still can't spell it. My favorite is the puppet voice - too funny! Thanks for sharing!